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Our Story

The Rose & Hook
Many people ask about the name “The Rose & Hook” and where it came from, so I thought I would share a little story...
I decided on a name that would honor my parents who both passed away, my dad in July of 2014 and then my mom unexpectedly and soon after in February, 2015. My mother, Aileen was a “ROSE” herself... beautiful, loving and full of life. She loved pink roses and loved sharing pictures of her own pink rose bushes. She was bold in her faith and was a lady full of grace and was admired by many. Although my sister, Sandy has the green thumb in the family I decided that putting a rose in the name was fitting in describing my mom. I may not be able to cultivate and grow a cutting of my mom’s rose bush (yet!), I can certainly nurture and care for this little shop and hopefully honor my mama in the process. That brings me to the “HOOK”, my daddy, Bud. I have never in my life known a man with a love of the outdoors and nature like he did. He loved animals, the sunshine and of course hunting and fishing. My husband, Tony is in an ongoing contest trying to snag a crappie as big as my dad’s prized 17” fish that we have mounted and is hanging on the wall. (He came close once but no bragging rights yet!) My dad was quite the fisherman and had many stories, as you can imagine, and even though I am more of an “indoor girl”, hopefully I will be able to share some of those stories with you.
I want more than anything to bring remembrance of my parents, not only with the name of this little shop but with how I live my life and how I treat others. Because, as long as I live, I know I won’t find any two people more worthy of that honor than “The Rose & Hook”.